This is my little sister Vina trying out my new personal means of transport. The weather has been sunny and hot as we leave the cool season and as a result the kids are in the ocean swimming every chance they get. Since I bought the canoe I have taken it out for the kids to play with and continue to do this as they bombard my house for me to join them in the water, with my canoe daily.
Yesterday I jumped off the canoe and found a few underwater wonders:
Giant Clams
The seafood also continues to amaze me. Yesterday being Sunday, the mamas prepare their biggest and best meal of the week. Yesterday between eating dinner and lunch I had fish, clam, crab, octopus, Lobster, Some sort of small opihi like shell, trocha and
Coconut Crab-The largest terrestrial arthropod in the world.
My Peace Corps experience continues to be one of much learning, like when my brother Bratley popped a bubble of chewing gum on his face and spent three days scrubbing his face to try and get the residue off. Something I had never seen before.